Weekend Links

 lunch at Freemans in NYC

Can you all believe that Christmas is less than a week away...wow does time fly! The christmas season is one of my absolute favorite times of year so I am looking forward to the next few days. The christmas tree, decorations, wrapping gifts, and getting ready for christmas day! I just got back home from Boston and New York, I will be sure to do a trip recap next week here on the blog, but for now head over to instagram for a few images. I hope that you all are having a great christmas season as well! Here are a few of my favorite links from the past week:

-it is starting to be the final days to buy christmas gifts online, so be sure to check out my gift guides if you are in need of any ideas!

- did you all listen to the Serial podcasts? If you don't know what I am talking about you need to head over and start listening to this right now! But for the rest of us the season has ended....! What to do without it? Please share any other podcast recommendations!

- J.Crew is still accepting orders until Sunday night with guaranteed Christmas delivery so you need to head over there because they are having a 30% (or higher) sale sitewide! (with code GIFTNOW) I took advantage of the sale to buy a few basic pieces for myself, some simple t-shirts and cashmere sweaters. But I am still considering using the discount on this jacket I have been eying, some simple gloves for the winter, and my favorite scarf in a new color! 

- I went to see the Wild movie this week and would highly suggest it! And if you haven't read the bestselling book that inspired the move...well you better read that also!

- I wish that I lived in LA so that I could go to this beautiful nail salon, Olive and June. Talk about a perfectly modern and chic design!

- I usually stray away from reading many of the  'huge' blogs out there...but the other night after getting sucked into the 'dark hole of the internet' I found my self on Emily Henderson (HGTV host) blog and I was really impressed. While her interior design style is often a bit too colorful for what I would want in my own home, I do love to see the images. And then her writing within her posts..well it is just too funny! (Her master plan to marry off her 2 year old son or how she met and became friends with Jen Gotch of Ban.do)  

- My excitement for christmas has been transitioning over to my pinterest account, head over to my Holiday board for some beautiful christmas inspiration!

I hope that you all had a wonder weekend (full of christmas parties?) and that you have a wonderful week leading up to the holiday!

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